Banks and lenders finding personal and small business loans today

LoanBillboard is a new website that helps banks and lenders gain access to more personal and small business borrowers using a brand-new marketing technique called “Reverse Marketing”.

LoanBillboard could have a dramatic effect on the personal and small business loan markets by being the first site globally to bring Reverse Marketing to the origination of personal and small business loans.

Reverse Marketing is a new paradigm for business development managers where the borrowers firstly post their credit details and loan requirements onto the LoanBillboard. The bank or lender’s business development manager can then access a ready-made list of leads for making new loans to. 

Typically, today a borrower has to go to one of the loan comparison sites (like in the US or in Australia) in order to apply for a loan. The borrower then looks up which banks or lenders have come up for them there.

Alternatively, they can also go directly to each bank’s or lender’s own website and apply there. They then have to make a separate application to each of those bank or lender sites. The borrower is only gaining access to sites which can be looked up by that particular loan comparison site’s “network” and may miss other banks or lenders that could have offered as good or better deals.

The business development manager or loan officer with LoanBillboard has a constant, ready-made list of would-be borrowers they can contact and make offers of loans to.

It is a little-known fact that historically 76% of all applications for a personal loan are denied (see

In today’s scenario, each failed loan application can end with an “Inquiry” being entered into the borrower’s credit history where it is kept for 5 years. Too many inquiries on a credit report can make the report look bad for a future bank or lender. (See

One key attraction for borrowers is that with LoanBillboard the borrower is never denied – as a bank or lender will only ever contact them if they are interested in lending to them based on their credit details and loan requirements published there.

LoanBillboard also pre-screens the borrower using Artificial Intelligence to give them the chances that they they’re loan application will be successful and advice on how to improve their chances of getting a loan. The borrower can also ask AI any other questions they want such as what would be the best collateral to use for their application to improve their chances of getting a loan.

Finally with today’s scenario the borrower then has to fill in an application form for each bank or lending site and wait for an acceptance or rejection. A long, tedious and flawed process! With LoanBillboard they initially fill in only one application containing all the credit details that most banks or lenders need to make a red-light/green-light decision.


LoanBillboard is nothing short of a revolution in both personal and small business lending. The reason that there is an opening in the market is the fact that, as discussed, 76% of applications for personal loans made through the existing channels are denied and, of the applications which are accepted, only 35% of them actually end up being successfully originated*. There are currently a lot of disappointed personal loan applicants in the market not getting serviced by the current websites!

LoanBillboard is using the Internet for the exact purpose it was created for, to bring people together and create new “sticky” connections between bankers and would-be borrowers. Instead of a “one-off” transaction, with LoanBillboard, banks can develop a business relationship with the borrower and use the relationship to offer other complementary banking and financial services.

LoanBillboard puts the borrower in direct communication with the bank or lender using a negotiation screen. Personal loans in future will become more and more like other bank loans, in respect of the way they can be rapidly negotiated over a web-browser between the borrower and lender (for terms such as interest rate, cash flows and collateral).

Instead of the “one size fits all” for personal loans today, LoanBillboard facilitates this type of negotiation – that the Internet is so good at – between the borrower and the bank or lender, to make the best possible deal for both sides.


Loan Billboard




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