The following are some of the key screens from the current application:

These screens that are required to complete one cycle of:

  • a borrower makes an application to the Billboard
  • a bank reviews it
  • the bank then makes an offer on it
  • the borrower accepts, declines or negotiates the offer with the bank/lender

The Borrower’s Viewpoint

The borrower can see a listing of all their current loan applications to banks/lenders:

Entering a Loan Application

The loan application contains all the details that banks/lenders would need to make an offer on the loan. The borrower has to enter these details once only to apply to all banks/lenders.


The Bank/lender’s Viewpoint

The Loan Billboard shows a bank or lender all the loan requirements currently from borrowers (the listing may be large so it can be filtered down by a number of parameters such as geographic location or collateral offered by the borrower):

When the bank/lender clicks on a Loan the screen drops down to show all the details of the loan application from that borrower:


The bank/lender then can make an offer to the borrower:

The Borrower’s Viewpoint

When the bank/lender has made the offer to the borrower an alert icon appears on the borrower’s application list. When the borrower clicks on the icon, details of offer made drops down under that application. The borrower may then accept the offer, decline it or negotiate it (using a similar screen to the previous offer screen above):

This completes the business cycle of making an offer to a borrower.

To watch a video of LoanBillboard: